Reminders 12-4-12

CHP Parents,

Good evening. We have several activities this weekend, so I thought I’d send you a couple of reminders. I also wanted to send you a link to our Chicken Hawk Patrol Blog.

Craftsman Badge:

We will work on our Craftsman Badge and Webelos Community Service Project by building picnic tables for the YMCA. We will meet at the church pavilion Thursday night at 6:30pm. The cost is $20.00 per scout which covers the materials.

Toys for Tots:

Our Toys for Tots service activity is Saturday at the Downtown YMCA Youth Center (2400 7th Ave North, Birmingham).  It starts at 9:00am and will continue until all the toys are separated and bagged.  Last year we finished shortly after lunch.  We are not scheduled for any particular time, so please come when you can. If you and your scout can only work for an hour or two, that’s fine. As most of you know, it’s a very worthwhile project. Please wear your Class A uniform or Class B t-shirt. Optional: bring a new, unwrapped toy to donate. Toys for Tots provides toys for boys and girls from infants to teenagers.


We haven’t ordered Chicken Hawk Patrol Patches, but we plan to do so this week. If you want one for your scout’s uniform let me know as soon as possible. They are $8.75 each.

Chicken Hawk Patrol Blog:

Check out the Chicken Hawk Patrol blog @  It’s not completed yet but you may want to check out the pictures we’ve loaded. When completed we will use as a place for announcements, pictures, important links. This is our blog so if you have any announcements (birthday, accomplishments, pictures) email them to me and I’ll update. Any pictures would be appreciated, particularly of our Brierfield Campout or Shark Tooth Creek Trip. Thanks to Kathy (our family’s computer nerd) for getting this up and running. Look for updates.

